Fibromyalgia is pain, fatigue, insomnia, and confusion. We utilize the following treatments:
Traditional Medication
Alternative Medications
Nutraceutical Supplements
Paradoxically, opioids almost always make fibromyalgia worse. Therefore, we offer treatment for Opioid Dependency: less opioid = less pain. Getting off of your pain medication can sound impossible, but the process is relatively straight forward and does not involve unpleasant withdrawal. Pain almost always improves if you are fully engaged in the other aspects of our treatment program.
The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is based upon clinical criteria by taking into consideration how you have felt in the past week, and not considering symptoms from some other known cause. For instance, where do you have pain physically i.e. Upper Arm, Lower Leg, etc. and at what severity: mild, Moderate, or Severe? Do you wake up unrefreshed or have cognitive issues? Have you had other symptoms and how many over the past week such as Muscle pain, Irritable bowel syndrome, Fatigue/tiredness, Thinking or remembering problem, Muscle Weakness, Headache Pain/cramps in abdomen, Numbness/tingling, Dizziness, Insomnia, Depression, Constipation, Pain in upper abdomen, Nausea, Nervousness, Chest pain, Blurred vision, Fever, Diarrhea, Dry mouth, Itching, Wheezing, Raynaud’s, Hives/welts, Ringing in ears, Vomiting, Heartburn, Oral ulcers, Loss/change in taste, Seizures, Dry eyes, Shortness of breath, Loss of appetite, Rash, Sun sensitivity, Hearing difficulties, Easy bruising, Hair loss, Frequent urination, Painful urination, Bladder spasms
Typically, these and other Symptoms must have been present for at least three months and must not have another known cause to explain them.